X-SiGMA Hangman
Fun. Innovation. Efficiency.

Get know X-SiGMA Hangman!
X-SiGMA Hangman is our first mobile application for Android devices, which has already received a big update of functionality improvement. Newest version offers you much more exciting features which make the gameplay funnier and simpler. In the very beginning stage of development we desided to follow an old "chalk on a board" style, simultaneously adding many options and features which introduce breath of fresh air into this classic school game.
Hangman is entartaining game for everyone regardless of intrests. We carefully have designed basic categories so everyone can find something for itself. What's more in the recent update the Category Creator was introduced so now players can create their own categories!
Discover even more about X-SiGMA Hangman and download it on Google Play today!

Try all new Themes

This is the basic, most simple theme we have prepared for Hangman. It was designed to avoid any problems with reading things on the screen as well as high contrasts which is a real advantage for people with a vision problems.
The smooth, plain background in dark shades makes a great compostion with white and gray captions. Buttons was also made in grayscales to be a prefect complement to the rest of the layout. However few icons was made using colorful, shinny gradients or bold colors to introduce some contrasts into this grayscale layout.

Solar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse theme was introduced in the summer update. It's very colorful and shinny theme, which was made with use black backround, refected by bright ray of light. There's a lot of contrastive colors. Reflection of sun rays brighten up dark background, like the Sun which illuminates far-flung corners of the Solar System.
Create you own categories with Category Creator

Category Creator
Category Creator is the biggest feature we added to Hangman in the 2018 summer update. Now you can create your categories. All you have to do is to open Hangman's settings and tap on the Categories tab on the top bar. In this activity, you can control which categories are enabled by checking an appropriate checkbox button next to a category name.
If you tap on Edit Categories button, Category Creator will be opened. Here, you can add a new category by typing its name in the textbox filed and tapping on plus sign button. Your new category was just created. To add new words to a category, choose a category from the list by tapping on its name. In the new window, insert a word and press the green plus button.
Create an infinite number of your categories play with your friends and family. X-SiGMA Hangman's Category Creator is already here!
Choose your favorite keyboard layout

Different Keyboard Layouts
To provide you even more fun to play X-SiGMA Hangman we have implemented several keyboard layouts. With this feature every player will find its favorite keyboard layout! QWERTY, Dvorak, maybe AZERTY? We have prepared many of them so our game is more responsible now and everyone can adjust X-SiGMA Hangman to its needs.
Keep track of your statistics

Statistics Tracker
Now keeping track of all your statistics is even easier with our new Statistics Tracker! You can easily browse your statistics by going to Hangman's settings and making sure that Statistics tab on the top bar is selected. Here you can see all of the default and custom categories. Please keep in mind that custom categories will only be displayed if they were previously created. You can learn more about creating custom categories here.
The top section presents the overall statistics for all categories combined. Total Score keeps the information about all points you collected while playing X-SiGMA Hangman, including bonus points. To learn more about bonus points click here. Right below it, Total Correct Answers shows the total number of your correct guesses (a number of games you won), comparing to the number of all the guesses (a total number of games you played). For instance, “3/4” means that you guessed three words correctly having played four games of which one you lost.
The next and last section presents your statistics by category. This includes both default and custom categories you created. The format of statistics for each category is similar to the one of Total Correct Answers. On the left side, all category names are displayed in each row. On the right side, in corresponding rows, a number of total correct guesses, total guesses in a single category and percentage of correct answers (shown in square bracket) are presented. For instance,
“American History - 1/2 [50.00%]”
means that in total you played two games in the “American History” category, of which one you won. This sets percentage of all correct guesses as 50% what is presented in the square brackets.
Bonus Points
While playing X-SiGMA Hangman you can collect Bonus Points for different tasks you do. For instance, you can collect 3 bonus points if you guess all the letters of a random word without making a single mistake. The bonus points feature is still a work-in-progress and we will reveal more information soon!
Even more Themes soon!
Discover new fantastic Themes!
X-SiGMA plans on adding new themes to Hangman soon! To the next minor release, we add Blackboard and Notebook themes.
Blackboard - the theme which will be mirroring an actual look of a real blackboard on which you can always spot remainings of never completely erased chalk.
Notebook - this theme will look like a student's notebook - white pages, grids, and blue ink. This light theme will provide an attractive alternative for users who are not keen on using dark themes!


Solar Eclipse
